
Any questions, email me at or look for me in the departmental office!!!!! Don't be shy, if something is difficult, it does not mean that you should stop learning, instead, try harder, eventually you will succeed.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Festive holiday Homework

Dear Year 9 H, A and M students.

You have grouped yourself into a group of four or five and there are six groups in a class. You have also received a printed copy of your festive holiday homework. Each group will have different tasks. I will pass put the task of the groups on the blog as well later on.

I hope you will all enjoy doing the homework over the holiday ( something different at least), please discuss and work together as a group. Due date for the work is the second week after the school reopen. and after the holiday, we will need to work extra hard and will be very hectic and lots of extra classes, be prepared.

Lastly happy holiday.

Miss Ping Sing

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